Pimsleur is good for what it’s made for – getting down very basic conversational language, e.g. This audio-based system won’t teach you reading or writing, however, nor does it have any games or interactive exercises for many of its languages. The Bottom Line Pimsleur is one of the most accurate and effective programs for learning to speak and understand a new language. Many users note the Pimsleur effectiveness is limited to conversational dialogue rather than in-depth grammatical learning. Pimsleur will not make you fluent like a native speaker, but it will give you a practical understanding of the language that will get you through most everyday social situations graciously. Pimsleur provides clear, distinct, native speakers using words and phrases that you will most likely encounter and need as tourist or a long term visitor to German speaking countries.

Lessons are 30 mins and it is easy to build a habit around it. Great for building a structural base which makes conversation flow well. So you don't end up speaking Spanish with an american accent. I would still recommend both BUT do not pay for either. Example: I had no idea what was going on when I went from Eastern Arabic I to II.

Some languages make a huge jump between packages.
#Pimsleur german for english speakers how to#
Pimsleur's advantage over MT is that you will sound like a native (who is retarded and doesn't know how to say a lot :)) I think Michel Thomas' method although not revolutionary as they try to make you think, is nevertheless pretty solid. Since he's teaching student actors there's no one with good prononcuation. He also had a pretty bad accent in Italian.

The speakers are usually better than Michel Thomas himself who has a habit of smacking his lips and generally sounding very wet and old. Pimsleur on the other hand starts with dialog and phrases and teaches what things mean. There are lots of exercises to make your own new sentences. Michel Thomas starts with some basic building blocks and keeps constructing the language using those blocks.